Discover new keyword ideas

Find out what your audience is searching for in Google.

Find new keywords in the Umbrellum keyword database.

The Umbrellum keyword tools and ranking tracker are slowly filling a database with keywords and search volumes. Using the Google Adwords API we're fetching search volumes of thousands of keywords everyday.

Related searches

Related searches

The ranking tracker finds new related searches shown on search results and fetches their search volumes.

Google Suggestions


Ever seen those auto suggestions in Google when you start typing? We fetch those and return them in this tool.

Use cases for this free keyword tool.

Optimizing your website for search engines is crucial for businesses of all sizes. Our keyword discovery tool is designed to help you achieve your SEO goals, whether you run a small business, an ecommerce shop, or an enterprise-level website. By entering a seed keyword, our tool does the magic of finding the most relevant and profitable keywords for your business. Discovering keywords that align with your target audience can improve your organic search visibility and increase traffic to your website.


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How to use this free keyword research tool?

When writing new content for your website or for a client's website, it's important to know what people are actually searching for online.

This tool shows you exactly that. You enter a subject you want to write about: a keyword. And the tool gives you ideas on topics around that keyword. It also shows how many people search for that phrase on average, and what months during the year that keyword is more popular.

There are a few simple steps to use this keyword tool.

  1. First, think of what you want to write about. Enter that keyword in the search bar, and specify the region you want to write for.
  2. The tool shows you keywords related to the topic you entered. You can now scroll through the list and see if you find interesting topics.
  3. The keywords with the highest search volumes are most important. Make sure you add those to your content in prominent spots:
    • In the Title tag of the page.
    • In the H1 tag, or H2 and H3 tags.
    • Somwhere in the first paragraph of text on the page.
    • And make sure to link to your content when finished from other pages within your website.
  4. Most people tend to focus on one high volume keyword. But, see if you can find patterns in the list: do you see certain topics recurring?
  5. It's best to write about topics instead of keywords. Write like a normal human being about the topics people search for, and then see if you covered a wide variety of keywords in your text.
  6. Keep the text readable, always. Don't write for search engines, write for users.

About the keyword discovery tool.

Every keyword tool you find online gives you different data. Our tool uses multiple API's and is collecting data on a daily basis. Below you find some specific background on the keyword tool.

Is this keyword tool really free?

For you it is, for us it isn't.

The keyword discovery tool uses a couple of API's that work together. Those API's cost us money for each time it is used. But, we've decided to put this tool up for free on the public site for everyone to use. It's a way of showing what the Umbrellum suite, our premium toolsuite, is capable of.

The tool is capped at around a few hundred keyword suggestions per search. In the premium version in our suite there is no cap. Often for bigger topics you can find a few hundred keywords more in our premium version compared to this free keyword tool.

We use multiple API's for our data. Some third parties, but some are our own software. The Umbrellum suite is capable of scraping Google search results and therefore also the so called "related searches" and "auto-suggestions". We get our search volume data from the Google Adwords API.

The cool thing is, our database grows by the day, as we scrape more and more search results we start to collect more and more keyword data that is used in the keyword discovery tool. So our keyword tool is getting better by the day.

Short answer, of course! We have multiple free keyword tools online on our site. But next to that, you can sign up for the umbrellum suite and use the keyword tools without restrictions. Most new tools we develop first become available in the paid suite before a slimmed down restricted version is put online in the free keyword tools section.

Free SEO tools
Umbrellum suite
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Try Umbrellum for 14 days for free. No credit card required.

Try out our tool for free for 14 days. Track 25 keywords on a daily basis and get to know the tool before you choose one of the plans.
